Friday, November 23, 2012

Easy Chicken Tenders

When you want to give something to kids for dinner, the main criteria from your side is always going to give healthy food but kids may not like healthy food as they always look for tasty food. You need to combine both these in order to satisfy them.This recipe is going to be worth trying as it is easy and your kids are going to love it.  
Chicken tenders can be made in around 30 to 40 minutes. 15 minutes you will need for the preparation and 20 minutes for the actual cooking.

• Parmesan Cheese – 1 cup shredded as this recipe is for the kids, you do not need to go for low fat or fat free cheese. Go for full fat cheese.
• Bread crumbs – 1 cup
• Olive oil – 4 table spoon
• Mustard – 2 table spoon
• Chicken tenders – 1 lb

Method of preparation
1. Mix cheese and bread crumbs in a shallow dish. Mix well so that you could not remove bread crumbs separately. Parmesan Cheese will be suitable for this recipe but you can try some other kind also if your kids prefer that cheese.
2. Put mustard all over on chicken tenders. You can use brush for equal distribution or even small knife if you can use it well.
3. Dip chicken tenders with mustard in cheese mixture. Coat well on all the sides of the chicken tenders.
4. On a medium heat, take a skillet and heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
5. Put chicken tenders on the skillet. Keep two or maximum three at a time. Do not keep more even if you feel there is enough place on the skillet as it will not cook properly.
6. After 5 to 7 minutes, turn the chicken tenders and keep again for another 5 to 7 minutes or till the tenders are cooked properly. If required you need to put olive oil from the sides.
7. Serve hot with either tomato sauce or salsa

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